Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 2, 2023


I remember one time at coffee with our friends: "I joined that standup comedy course for learning how to be funny". They all laughed, 

We all laugh when we see a fact that so clear in front of you, like the air you breath all days but rarely recognize it.

These days I feel I'm easy to cry, happy randomly or get sad. I thought both being stable and emotional are skills too. We could learn, lost and relearn them as well as many others.

Sometime I see you forget things like me, I guest remember and forget are learnable also. Maybe love and hate same.

Let's choose what we wanna learn my dearest, they make us what we are and what will we be...


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I remember one time having coffee with our friends and saying, "I joined a standup comedy course to learn how to be funny." They all laughed.

We all laugh when we come across something that is so clear, yet often goes unnoticed, like the air we breathe.

These days, I feel I am easily moved to tears, happiness, or sadness. I believe being emotional or stable are also a skills that can be learned, lost, and relearned, just like many others.

Sometimes, I notice that you forget things like me, and I think remembering and forgetting are also skills that can be learned. Perhaps love and hate are the same.

Let's choose what we want to learn, my dearest. Our choices shape who we are and who we will become.

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