Every day, internet users receive countless emails, messages, and notifications from strangers around the world. This notorious scam called phishing, was born before the internet and became a dreadful threat in the digital age.
Some people might wonder: "Who will fall for such simple schemes?" The success of phishing is based on the law of large numbers. With thousands or even millions of messages sent out, there are always some people who read and follow the instructions in them. Maybe they are just naive, curious, or get drunk that day.
The next step, the scammer will trick victims into sending them money, and private information or downloading a virus onto personal computers. And thanks to blockchain technology, sometimes people could lose their entire cryptocurrency in a few clicks. And it's so hard to investigate these frauds; the culprits could be anywhere with a laptop and a criminal mind.
There are two sides to every coin. And this is one of the costs for the convenience of modern technologies.
024 - Jaken - 23/11/2023
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